
Climate change impairs the effects of vegetation improvement on soil erosion control in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau


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Water erosion is a wide ecosystem degradation threat for the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP) region and surrounding areas. Climate wetting and vegetation greening in the QTP could have complex impacts on water erosion. However, there is limited information about the erosion dynamics under climate change and the effects of vegetation improvement on erosion control in this alpine region. By calibrating the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) model, we estimated water erosion in the QTP and simulated future changes using different Shared Socioeconomic Pathway-Representative Concentration Pathway (SSP) scenarios. We showed intensified erosion and that the benefits of vegetation improvement to erosion control was impaired under climate change. Under the SSP585 scenario, annual water erosion in the QTP was predicted to increase by 0.35 t.ha(-1).yr(-1) and be dominated by an accelerative rise of rainfall erosivity (R factor of RUSLE). Compared with historical observations, the C factor of RUSLE under the SSP585 scenario was believed to reduce by 4.35 % on average during the 2081-2100 period, but predicted soil loss will increase by more than 90 %. Although more considerable vegetation improvement could occur under high climate forcing, there may also be more intensified rainfall erosivity and water erosion across the QTP than those under SSP126 and SSP245 scenarios. Our results suggest that mitigating climate change rather than vegetation improvement is essential to address climate-dominated ecosystem degradation threats such as water erosion in the QTP.
Soil erosion,Climate change,Vegetation improvement,Future scenarios the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau,RUSLE model calibration
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