An iterative and subsequent proximation method to map historical crop information with satellite images

Computers and Electronics in Agriculture(2024)

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Mapping agricultural information such as cropping area and type is of great significance for land use and food security and a common method to retrieve such information is satellite imagery classification. The current image classification techniques require a statistically large number of training samples to obtain representative spectral signatures, ideally collected during the satellite overpass time/date. Although this prerequisite sounds simple and easy in principle, it is extremely challenging and sometimes impossible when classifying historical satellite images, as one simply cannot go back in time to collect training datasets or ground truthing. In this paper, we introduce an iterative and subsequent proximation (ISP) method to circumvent this problem for historical image classifications for historical crop mapping. This method assumes that the same crops grown two years apart have similar spectral properties within the same growing season, with limited variation. This allows the use of the crop information classified in any given year (n) to be used as training samples for the next year (n + 1) or the previous year (n-1). Iteratively repeating n-1, n-2… process leads to the mapping of historical cropping information without a priori ground truthing data. To demonstrate the ISP feasibility, we first used the historical Landsat time-series data to map four major stable crops (rice, maize, soybean, and wheat) in Hailun County, Heilongjiang Province, China, and then further expanded the ISP application to the entire Heilongjiang Province to map cropping areas from 1982 to 2020, using the classification and regression trees (CART) algorithm. The results were validated for those years when actual cropping measurement data were available and further verified with statistical data for other years. The results indicated that the proposed ISP method was appropriate for the historical mapping of four major crops, with a mapping accuracy of approximately 80 % when validated with field data, and correlation coefficients of 0.86, 0.85, 0.91, and 0.94, respectively when compared with historical statistical cropping data. The crop mapping results showed distinct trends of northward expansion in each of the four crops in Heilongjiang Province, which agreed well with previous studies. In conclusion, the ISP method is quick, easy, and convenient for historical crop mapping, which is important in understanding the agricultural production history.
Iterative and subsequent proximation,Training sample,Crop mapping,Image classification,CART,Remote sensing
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