Tuning Fuzzy SPARQL Queries

International Journal of Approximate Reasoning(2024)

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During the last years, the study of fuzzy database query languages has attracted the attention of many researchers. In this line of research, our group has proposed and developed FSA-SPARQL (Fuzzy Sets and Aggregators based SPARQL), which is a fuzzy extension of the Semantic Web query language SPARQL. FSA-SPARQL works with fuzzy RDF datasets and allows the definition of fuzzy queries involving fuzzy conditions through fuzzy connectives and aggregators. However, there are two main challenges to be solved for the practical applicability of FSA-SPARQL. The first problem is the lack of fuzzy RDF data sources. The second is how to customize fuzzy queries on fuzzy RDF data sources. Our research group has also recently proposed a fuzzy logic programming language called FASILL that offers powerful tuning capabilities that can accept applications in many fields. The purpose of this paper is to show how the FASILL tuning capabilities serve to accomplish in a unified framework both challenges in FSA-SPARQL: data fuzzification and query customization. More concretely, from a FSA-SPARQL to FASILL transformation, data fuzzification and query customization in FSA-SPARQL become FASILL tuning problems. We have validated the approach with queries against datasets from online communities.
SPARQL,Debugging,Semantic Web,Fuzzy logic
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