Figure 1 from Molecular and Pathologic Characterization of YAP1-Expressing Small Cell Lung Cancer Cell Lines Leads to Reclassification as SMARCA4-Deficient Malignancies


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SMARCA4 mutations are enriched within SCLC-Y cell lines. A, Venn diagram showing co-occurring and subtype-specific mutations associated with each SCLC molecular subtype. Genetic mutations that are present in at least 50% of samples within each SCLC subtype based on Rudin and colleagues (2) were identified through cBioportal. There are 26 mutations exclusive to SCLC-Y cell lines (Supplementary Table S7). B, Of all 26 mutations identified, SMARCA4 mutations were present in six of eight SCLC-Y cell lines, together with TP53 mutations on an RB1 wild-type background. *, H157DM was previously annotated in CCLE as H1339. C, All cell lines in the CCLE (lung and nonlung cancer cell lines) that had complete proteomic and RNA-seq profiles were interrogated for the correlation between SMARCA4 protein and mRNA. There is a positive correlation (Pearson correlation = 0.53; P = 1.5e−27) between low SMARCA4 mRNA and loss of SMARCA4 protein. D, SCLC cell lines with SMARCA4 mutations have a significantly lower NE-score compared with wild-type (WT) SMARCA4 SCLC cell lines (Mann–Whitney test; **, P = 0.0068). SCLC cell lines in the CCLE were binned into SMARCA4 mutant and WT groups. NE scoring was performed using a previously published 50-gene transcriptomic signature (16).

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