
Frequency-Selective Radar-Absorbing Composites Using Hybrid Core-Shell Spheres

ACS nano(2024)

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Radar-absorbing materials (RAMs) covering the exterior surfaces of installed parts and assembled devices are crucial in absorbing most incident electromagnetic (EM) waves. This absorption minimizes reflected energy, thereby enhancing pilot safety and the stability of operating electronic devices without interference. Particularly, active stealth aircraft require effective protection from near- and far-field EM radiation across a wide spectrum of frequencies from both highly integrated electronic components and advanced enemy radars. Studies of RAMs often prioritize absorption over crucial tunability in frequency selectivity, revealing a research gap. In this study, we propose smart RAMs with frequency-selective absorption capabilities. Our approach involves incorporating two types of core-shell spheres in a polymer matrix, which feature shells of either wave-diffuse reflecting metal or wave-absorbing graphene. The key innovation lies in the ability to tailor absorption frequencies in the X-band range (8.2-12.4 GHz) by adjusting the interstitial spaces between the metallic spheres while the scattered waves are efficiently attenuated by graphene networks in the composites. On a metal substrate, a 2 mm-thick composite with an optimized structural composition and ratio of the two types of spheres exhibits a maximum absorption efficiency of 99.3%, effectively trapping and extinguishing incident waves. Combined with the structural tunability and frequency-selective properties of spherical fillers, our approach provides a scalable and effective method for creating functional isotropic coverings on various metallic surfaces.
stealth aircraft,radar-absorbing materials,electromagnetic interferenceshielding,frequency selectivity,core-shellspheres,composites
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