Prediction of student exam performance using data mining classification algorithms

Education and Information Technologies(2024)

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Student outcomes are of great importance in higher education institutions. Accreditation bodies focus on them as an indicator to measure the performance and effectiveness of the institution. Forecasting students’ academic performance is crucial for every educational establishment seeking to enhance performance and perseverance of its students and reduce the failure rate in the future. The main goal of this study is to predict the performance of undergraduate first-level students in the Computer Department during the years 2016 to 2021 to enhance their performance in future by discovering the best algorithm use to analyze the educational data to identify the students’ academic performance. The secondary data was collected by reviewing the Student Affairs Department at the Faculty of Specific Education at Damietta University, in addition to the Statistics Department at the university. The dataset contained 830 instances after excluding 139 instances of missing values, irrelevant rows, and outliers. The dataset was divided into train (577 instances (70
Data mining,Prediction of student performance,Machine learning algorithms
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