
Fetal Clinical and Paraclinical Outcomes in HIV-Positive Pregnant Women


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Background Adverse pregnancy outcomes in women with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection remain significantly increased. Untreated maternal infection primarily leads to fetal complications, such as intrauterine growth restriction, stillbirth, or preterm birth. Concerning both maternal and fetal complications that can appear in pregnancy associated with HIV infection, the purpose of the study was to determine fetal and maternal demographic characteristics and the correlation between blood count parameters and poor fetal prognosis. Methods We conducted a quantitative study utilizing document review as the data collection method. This study encompassed a cohort of nine HIV -positive pregnant women who delivered at the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of the University Emergency Hospital in Bucharest from January 1, 2021, to December 31, 2023. A comparative cohort of nine healthy pregnant women who delivered during the same period in the same facility was selected using stratified random sampling. We examined maternal and fetal demographic parameters and neonatal outcomes, reporting them to paraclinical laboratory data. Results The incidence of pregnancy -related HIV infections was 0.16%. The mean age of patients in the selected group was 29.88 +/- 5.53. There was no statistically significant correlation between maternal clinical and paraclinical parameters in the HIV -positive and HIV -negative groups. Although there was a slightly negative difference in the fetal weight at birth, the 1 -min APGAR (appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, and respiration) score, and the intrauterine growth restriction between the two groups, there was a statistically significant association between admission to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and the neonates from HIV -positive pregnancies. In our study, we observed preterm deliveries in 22.22% of cases, and we did not record any stillbirths. The 1 -min APGAR score was correlated with the value of leukocytes in peripheral blood. Vertical transmission was established to be 11.11% independent of maternal blood count parameters. Conclusion HIV infection during pregnancy leads to a higher risk of admission to the NICU. Fetal leukocytosis is indicative of a lower 1 -min APGAR score. The primary emphasis of therapeutic intervention during pregnancy should center on vigilant monitoring of maternal viral load and the timely administration of antiretroviral therapy to enhance fetal outcomes.
1-min apgar score,blood count,preterm birth,low birth weight,human immunodeficiency virus,pregnancy
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