Fixed-time solution of inequality constrained time-varying linear systems via zeroing neural networks

Journal of the Franklin Institute(2024)

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Zeroing neural network (ZNN) has been explored and applied in a variety of time-varying problems solving. However, ZNN models for inequality constrained time-varying linear equation (ICTVLE) solving are rarely reported. Generally, numerous practical problems can be mathematically modeled as ICTVLE problems. Motivated by the above mentioned issue, a nonlinear tunable activation function activated ZNN (NTAF-ZNN) model is constructed to effectively solve ICTVLE problems. To further improve the performances of NTAF-ZNN model, a fuzzy nonlinear tunable activation function (FNTAF) is also designed. Based on the FNTAF, a fuzzy nonlinear tunable activation function-based ZNN (FNTAF-ZNN) model is realized. Firstly, the fixed-time convergence property and disturbance rejection ability of the NTAF-ZNN and FNTAF-ZNN models are proved by theoretical analysis. Then, comparative simulation results of the two models with other existing ZNN models for solving the ICTVLE problem are provided to further verify their robustness and effectiveness. Additionally, the two models and other existing ZNN models are also employed to realize inequality constrained manipulator trajectory tracking under ideal and noisy environments for further comparisons. Finally, the superior performances of the FNTAF-ZNN model for manipulator trajectory tracking are further verified by physical experiment results.
Zeroing neural network,Inequality constrained time-varying linear equation,Convergence,Robustness,Dual-arm manipulator
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