
Use of UK Faith Centre As a COVID-19 Community Vaccination Clinic: Exploring a Potential Model for Community-Based Health Care Delivery.

Postgraduate medical journal(2024)

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Introduction Effective and safe vaccines against COVID-19 are essential to achieve global control of the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). Using faith centres may offer a promising route for promoting higher vaccine uptake from certain minority ethnic groups known to be more likely to be vaccine hesitant.Methods This cross-sectional study explored attendees' perceptions, experiences of being offered, and receiving COVID-19 vaccination in a local mosque in Woking, Surrey, UK. About 199 attendees completed a brief questionnaire on experiences, views, motivations about attending the mosque and vaccination on site.Results The most common ethnic groups reported were White British (39.2%) and Pakistani (22.6%); 36.2% identified as Christian, 23.6% as Muslim, 5.5% as Hindu, and 17.1% had no religion. Genders was relatively equal with 90 men (45.2%) and 98 women (49.2%), and 35-44-year-olds represented the most common age group (28.1%). Views and experiences around receiving vaccinations at the mosque were predominantly positive. Primary reasons for getting vaccinated at the mosque included convenience, accessibility, positive aspects of the venue's intercultural relations, and intentions to protect oneself against COVID-19, regardless of venue type. Negative views and experiences in regards to receiving the vaccination at the mosque were less common (7% expressed no intention of recommending the centre to others), and disliked aspects mostly referred to the travel distance and long waiting times.Conclusions Offering COVID-19 vaccination in faith centres appears acceptable for different faith groups, ensuring convenient access for communities from all religions and ethnic backgrounds. Key message What is already known on this topic Effective and safe vaccines against COVID-19 are essential to achieve global control of the coronavirus Using faith centres for providing access to health services may offer a promising route for promoting higher vaccine uptake from certain minority ethnic groups known to be more likely to be vaccine hesitant. What this study adds Convenience, accessibility, positive aspects of the venue, the importance of promoting intercultural relations, and getting vaccinated to protect oneself against COVID-19 appear to be major influencers relevant for the specific type of venue where the vaccine was offered, i.e. a mosque. Long travel distance and waiting times were barriers to recommending the centre to others. How this study might affect research, practice or policy Offering COVID-19 vaccination in faith centres appears acceptable for different faith groups. Vaccine uptake can be maximized by ensuring convenient access to the centre for communities from all religions and ethnic backgrounds. Future research should continue to explore COVID-19 vaccination behaviours and underlying beliefs in larger ethnic minority samples. Faith centres could provide an alternative location for preventative healthcare offers, such as vaccines, in local communities, therefore representing a promising approach to maximize public health impacts.
COVID-19,public health,epidemiology,infectious diseases
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