
Estimating Cost of Bridge Closure for Bridge Network Rehabilitation Priorities

Journal of construction engineering and management(2024)

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Bridge network maintenance and rehabilitation activities are crucial to prevent bridge failure from human-made and natural hazards such as deterioration, overload, collision, fire, flooding, and earthquake. Under a limited budget, understanding the bridge closure cost to social-economic-environmental aspects can help prioritizing bridge network maintenance and rehabilitation in a cost-benefit justifiable manner. In this study, the costing method is applied to calculate social-economic-environmental costs incurred due to detour routes with additional travel time and distance. In addition to the commonly used cost factors of time value cost and vehicle running cost, this study also uses probability theory to calculate the expected consequence costs of delayed rescue services of ambulance, police, and fire-fighting caused by bridge closure. A case study with a bridge network is used to demonstrate the methodology adopted and outcome benefits from study. The results of case study show that the time value cost of vehicle passengers, vehicle running cost, and ambulance delay cost are the major cost contributors. The bridge importance ranking and consequence cost of bridge closure can be used to provide prioritized inspection and repair program for bridge components that have a high ranking under limited budget and provide benefit estimations. In the real asset management of bridge networks, information on consequences of bridge closure is essential to bridge maintenance and rehabilitation (M&R) planning. For example, if the daily cost of bridge closure can be estimated particularly as a monetary value, the funding application for bridge M&R can be easily approved because it can show the M&R cost is lower than the benefit, which is to avoid the consequence cost of bridge closure. Furthermore, under a limited budget, bridges with a higher consequence cost of bridge closure in the bridge network can be prioritized for M&R planning. Understanding the consequence cost of bridge closure can also help in developing consequence-mitigated planning during actual bridge closures for planned repair. This study developed a costing methodology to estimate the daily consequence cost of bridge closure as a monetary value in terms of social-economic-environmental impacts. The results show that the time value cost of vehicle passengers and vehicle running cost are the most important contributors to the total consequence cost for bridges with available detour routes for crossing. For bridges with no alternative crossing routes, ambulance delay cost is the major contributor, followed by delay cost of police and fire-fighting services.
Bridge importance ranking,Consequence cost,Detour costs,Hazards,Probability theory,Social-economic-environmental costs,Case study,Bridge management
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