
A GPU-Accelerated Interior Point Method for Radiation Therapy Optimization


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Optimization plays a central role in modern radiation therapy, where it is used to determine optimal treatment machine parameters in order to deliver precise doses adapted to each patient case. In general, solving the optimization problems that arise can present a computational bottleneck in the treatment planning process, as they can be large in terms of both variables and constraints. In this paper, we develop a GPU accelerated optimization solver for radiation therapy applications, based on an interior point method (IPM) utilizing iterative linear algebra to find search directions. The use of iterative linear algebra makes the solver suitable for porting to GPUs, as the core computational kernels become standard matrix-vector or vector-vector operations. Our solver is implemented in C++20 and uses CUDA for GPU acceleration. The problems we solve are from the commercial treatment planning system RayStation, developed by RaySearch Laboratories (Stockholm, Sweden), which is used clinically in hundreds of cancer clinics around the world. RayStation solves (in general) nonlinear optimization problems using a sequential quadratic programming (SQP) method, where the main computation lies in solving quadratic programming (QP) sub-problems in each iteration. GPU acceleration for the solution of such QP sub-problems is the focus of the interior point method of this work. We benchmark our solver against the existing QP-solver in RayStation and show that our GPU accelerated IPM can accelerate the aggregated time-to-solution for all QP sub-problems in one SQP solve by 1.4 and 4.4 times, respectively, for two real patient cases.
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