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Towards a National CAV Certification Center

IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems(2024)

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Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) hold great promise to transform our current transportation system to a safer, more resilient and efficient Cyber Transportation System (CTS) that integrates advanced sensing, communications and control based on IoT, V2X and AI/ML technologies. However, many open challenges related to modeling human-automation interaction, improving resiliency to adversarial conditions, and finding “killer” applications for CAVs remain. Above all, a national CAV safety certification based on AR/VR and digital twin technologies is a key to gaining public (and market) trust and acceptance. In this talk, I will briefly describe our past and current work to address the above research and development challenges, aiming to rally all stakeholders around the establishment of a national CAV certification center.
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Connected And Autonomous Vehicles,Research And Development,Autonomous Vehicles,Digital Twin,National Certification
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