
Paper-in-Tip Bipolar Electrospray Mass Spectrometry for Real-Time Chemical Reaction Monitoring.

Yun Li,Lixuan Zhu, Xiaomeng Wu, Zhiming Zhang, Ruijin Pu,Yajun Zheng,Zhiping Zhang

Angewandte Chemie(2024)

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Capturing short-lived intermediates at the molecular level is key to understanding the mechanism and dynamics of chemical reactions. Here, we have developed a paper-in-tip bipolar electrolytic electrospray mass spectrometry platform, in which a piece of triangular conductive paper incorporated into a plastic pipette tip serves not only as an electrospray emitter but also as a bipolar electrode (BPE), thus triggering both electrospray and electrolysis simultaneously upon application of a high voltage. The bipolar electrolysis induces a pair of redox reactions on both sides of BPE, enabling both electro-oxidation and electro-reduction processes regardless of the positive or negative ion mode, thus facilitating access to complementary structural information for mechanism elucidation. Our method enables real-time monitoring of transient intermediates (such as N,N-dimethylaniline radical cation, dopamine o-quinone (DAQ) and sulfenic acid with half-lives ranging from microseconds to minutes) and transient processes (such as DAQ cyclization with a rate constant of 0.15 s-1). This platform also provides key insights into electrocatalytic reactions such as Fe (III)-catalyzed dopamine oxidation to quinone species at physiological pH for neuromelanin formation. We present the first combination of a paper-based bipolar electrode with mass spectrometry to address the need not only to capture ultrafast dynamics in chemistry, but also to access complementary structural information from diverse reaction scenarios and to explore electrocatalytic reaction mechanisms. image
bipolar electrolysis,mass spectrometry,reaction mechanisms,analytical methods
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