Herramientas para un ajuste de dosis de tacrolimus ms personalizado en el seguimiento de los pacientes con transplante renal. Fenotipo metabolizador segn polimorfismos genticos del CYP3A vs. el cociente concentracin-dosis


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Background and justification: The strategy of the concentration-dose (C/D) approach and the different profiles of tacrolimus (Tac) according to the cytochrome P450 polymorphisms (CYPs) focus on the metabolism of Tac and are proposed as tools for the follow-up of transplant patients. The objective of this study is to analyse both strategies to confirm whether the stratification of patients according to the pharmacokinetic behaviour of C/D corresponds to the classification according to their CYP3A4/5 cluster metabolizer profile. Materials and methods: Four hundred and twenty-five kidney transplant patients who received Tac as immunosuppressive treatment have been included. The concentration/dose ratio (C/D) was used to divided patients in terciles and classify them according to their Tac metabolism rate (fast, intermediate, and slow). Based on CYP3A4 and A5 polymorphisms, patients were classified into three metabolizer groups: fast (CYP3A5*1 and CYP34A*1/*1 carriers), intermediate (CYP3A5*3/3 and CYP3A4*1/*1) and slow (CYP3A5*3/*3 and CYP3A4*22 carriers). Results: When comparing patients included in each metabolizer group according to C/D ratio, 47% (65/139) of the fast metabolizers, 85% (125/146) of the intermediate and only 12% (17/140) of the slow also fitted in the homonym genotype group. Statistically lower Tac concentrations were observed in the fast metabolizers group and higher Tac concentrations in the slow metabolizers when compared with the intermediate group both in C/D ratio and polymorphisms criteria. High metabolizers required approximately 60% more Tac doses than intermediates throughout follow-up, while poor metabolizers required approximately 20% fewer doses than intermediates. Fast metabolizers classified by both criteria presented a higher percentage of times with sub -therapeutic blood Tac concentration values. Conclusion: Determination of the metabolizer phenotype according to CYP polymorphisms or the C/D ratio allows patients to be distinguished according to their exposure to Tac. Probably the combination of both classification criteria would be a good tool for managing Tac dosage for transplant patients. (c) 2022 Sociedad Espanola de Nefrolog & imath;a. Published by Elsevier Espa na, S.L.U. This is an open access article under the CC BY -NC -ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/ by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Tacrolimus,Kidney transplantation,Immunosuppression,Therapeutic drug monitoring,Pharmacokinetics,Pharmacogenetics
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