The effects of Salvia miltiorrhiza and ligustrazine injection combined with ACEI/ARB on diabetic kidney disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Zixuan Zhang, Lei Luo,Xueling Li,Yifei Zhong


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Background:In China, Salvia miltiorrhiza and ligustrazine (SML) injection are widely used as adjunctive therapy for patients with diabetic kidney disease (DKD). However, different studies have reported conflicting results. Therefore, a systematic review and meta-analysis are necessary to assess the efficacy and safety of SML injection for the treatment of DKD.Methods:We searched 6 electronic literature databases comparing randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI)/angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB), SML injection in combination with ACEIs/ARBs that were conducted from inception until September 5, 2023. Two reviewers extracted data and independently assessed the risk of bias. Using the Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool for Risk Assessment. Mean differences (MD) were combined with random-effects models and the corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CI) were reported. Review Manager 5.4 software was used for meta-analysis. Stata 17.0 software was used for sensitivity analysis and Egger test.Results:The combined results show that the use of SML injection along with ACEI/ARB led to better outcomes than the use of controls in terms of enhancing recovery: renal function: Serum creatinine (MD = -14.69, 95% CI (-19.38, -10.00)), Blood urea nitrogen (MD = -1.23, 95% CI (-1.72, -0.74)), Urinary beta 2-microglobulin (MD = -4.58, 95% CI (-7.72, -1.44)); urinary protein: Urinary albumin excretion rate (MD = -45.74, 95% CI (-58.92, -32.56)), Urine albumin-creatinine ratio (MD = -11.93, 95% CI (-13.89, -9.96)), 24-h urine proteinuria (MD = -0.59, 95% CI (-0.86, -0.32)), Urine microalbumin (MD = -13.50, 95% CI (-20.18, -6.83)). Additionally, adjuvant therapy with SML injection enhanced results in blood glucose, blood pressure, lipids, and inflammatory responses, and no significant variations in adverse events were discovered between the 2 groups.Conclusions:In patients with DKD, combining SML injection with ACEI/ARB improves renal function, renal proteinuria, hyperglycemia, blood pressure, dyslipidemia, and inflammatory response.
diabetic kidney disease,meta-analysis,salvia miltiorrhiza and ligustrazine injection,systematic review
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