hGRAD: A versatile "one-fits-all" system to acutely deplete RNA binding proteins from condensates

Benjamin Arnold,Ricarda J. Riegger, Ellen Kazumi Okuda,Irena Sliskovic,Mario Keller, Cem Bakisoglu,Francois McNicoll,Kathi Zarnack, Michaela Mueller-McNicoll


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Arnold et al. present hGRAD, a "one-fits-all" system that can be inserted in one step into any cell that expresses GFP-tagged proteins, allowing their rapid and inducible degradation. The authors show that hGRAD efficiently degrades RNA binding proteins that localize to nuclear condensates and discover a hidden function of the splicing factor SRSF5. Nuclear RNA binding proteins (RBPs) are difficult to study because they often belong to large protein families and form extensive networks of auto- and crossregulation. They are highly abundant and many localize to condensates with a slow turnover, requiring long depletion times or knockouts that cannot distinguish between direct and indirect or compensatory effects. Here, we developed a system that is optimized for the rapid degradation of nuclear RBPs, called hGRAD. It comes as a "one-fits-all" plasmid, and integration into any cell line with endogenously GFP-tagged proteins allows for an inducible, rapid, and complete knockdown. We show that the nuclear RBPs SRSF3, SRSF5, SRRM2, and NONO are completely cleared from nuclear speckles and paraspeckles within 2 h. hGRAD works in various cell types, is more efficient than previous methods, and does not require the expression of exogenous ubiquitin ligases. Combining SRSF5 hGRAD degradation with Nascent-seq uncovered transient transcript changes, compensatory mechanisms, and an effect of SRSF5 on transcript stability.
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