A Comprehensive Adaptive Interpretable Takagi-Sugeuo-Kang Fuzzy Classifier for Fatigue Driving Detection

IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems(2024)

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Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals, as a reliable biological indicator, have been widely used in fatigue driving detection due to their capacity to reflect a driver's cognitive and neural response state. However, EEG signals have problems such as imbalanced data distribution, significant differences between subjects, and complex scenes, which affect the detection effect. Small commonalities between input objects can be interpreted as important information about an entire sample. Therefore, to retain as much information as possible, We design a new approach for integrating fuzzy features, comprehensive adaptive interpretable TSK fuzzy classifier(CAI-TSK-FC). It not only captures the features of multiple subclassifiers more efficiently and alleviates the dataset imbalance problem. Also, it can reduce the accumulation of error information by randomly retaining fuzzy rules as well as normalization. Finally, we linearly combine the results of multiple subclassifiers to comprehensively consider the learning effect of multiple subclassifiers to adapt to different subjects and datasets. Experiments conducted on both self-made and public datasets (SEED-VIG) show that CAI-TSK-FC has good performance and interpretability on different EEG fatigue driving datasets. In comparison to existing methods, it achieves an accuracy improvement of 3.15% and 1.52%, respectively, as well as a specificity improvement of 4.72% and 0.91%, respectively.
CAI-TSK-FC,EEG,fatigue detection,interpretability,TSK fuzzy system
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