
The Exploration of a Compound Cone-Beam CT Contrast Agent for Diagnosis of Human Extracted Cracked Tooth


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Objectives: This study aims to investigate the use of sodium iodide (NaI), dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), ethyl alcohol, and ethyl acetate as cone-beam CT (CBCT) contrast agents for diagnosing cracked teeth. The optimal delay time for detecting the number of crack lines beyond the dentinoenamel junction (Nd), the number of cracks extending from the occlusal surface to the pulp cavity (Np), and the depth of the crack lines was explored. Methods: 14 human extracted cracked teeth were collected, 12 were used for enhanced scanning, and 2 were used for exploring the characteristic of crack lines. The teeth were scanned in 3 CBCT enhanced scanning (ES) modes: ES1 using meglumine diatrizoate (MD); ES2 using NaI and DMSO, ES3 using NaI, DMSO, ethyl alcohol and ethyl acetate. Three delay times (15mins, 30mins, and 60mins) were set for scanning. Nd, Np, and depth of crack lines were evaluated. Results: There were totally 24 crack lines on 12 cracked teeth. Nd was 10 in ES1 at 60mins, 24 in ES2 at 60mins and 24 in ES3 at 15mins. Np was 1 in ES1 at 60mins, 10 in ES2 at 60mins and 21 in ES3 at 60mins, and there were significantly different among them (p < 0.01). The average depth presented on ES3 was significantly deeper than ES1 and ES2 (p < 0.01). Conclusion: NaI, DMSO, ethyl alcohol and ethyl acetate show potential as contrast agents for enhanced CBCT scanning in diagnosis of cracked teeth and their depth in vivo. A delay time of 15 min is necessary to confirm the existence of crack lines, while a longer delay time is required to ascertain if these crack lines extend to the pulp cavity.
Cracked tooth,Cone-beam CT,Contrast agent,Sodium iodide,Delay time
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