
Intrinsically Stretchable Organic Thermoelectric Polymers Enabled by Incorporating Fused-Ring Conjugated Breakers

Chi-Chun Tseng, Kuang-Chieh Wang,Po-Shen Lin, Chi Chang, Li-Lun Yeh,Shih-Huang Tung,Cheng-Liang Liu,Yen-Ju Cheng


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While research on organic thermoelectric polymers is making significant progress in recent years, realization of a single polymer material possessing both thermoelectric properties and stretchability for the next generation of self-powered wearable electronics is a challenging task and remains an area yet to be explored. A new molecular engineering concept of "conjugated breaker" is employed to impart stretchability to a highly crystalline diketopyrrolepyrrole (DPP)-based polymer. A hexacyclic diindenothieno[2,3-b]thiophene (DITT) unit, with two 4-octyloxyphenyl groups substituted at the tetrahedral sp3-carbon bridges, is selected to function as the conjugated breaker that can sterically hinder intermolecular packing to reduce polymers' crystallinity. A series of donor-acceptor random copolymers is thus developed via polymerizing the crystalline DPP units with the DITT conjugated breakers. By controlling the monomeric DPP/DITT ratios, DITT30 reaches the optimal balance of crystalline/amorphous regions, exhibiting an exceptional power factor (PF) value up to 12.5 mu W m-1 K-2 after FeCl3-doping; while, simultaneously displaying the capability to withstand strains exceeding 100%. More significantly, the doped DITT30 film possesses excellent mechanical endurance, retaining 80% of its initial PF value after 200 cycles of stretching/releasing at a strain of 50%. This research marks a pioneering achievement in creating intrinsically stretchable polymers with exceptional thermoelectric properties. The introduction of a conjugated breaker DITT imparts stretchability to a highly crystalline diketopyrrolepyrrole (DPP)-based polymer. The doped DITT30 polymer demonstrates an outstanding PF value of up to 12.5 mu W m-1 K-2 and exhibits excellent mechanical endurance, retaining 80% of its initial PF value after undergoing 200 cycles of stretching and releasing at a strain of 50%. image
amorphous segment,doping,fused-ring,organic thermoelectrics,stretchability
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