Proximate Analysis and Mineral Content of Wild Edible Mushrooms from Manipur, India

Joshua Khumlianlal, Surmani Huidrom, K. Chandradev Sharma, V. L. Thachunglura,Sarangthem Indira

International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences(2024)

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Integrating mushrooms into diets supports sustainable development goals by increasing nutritional variety, lowering environmental impact compared to livestock cultivation, strengthening local economies, and improving food security. The present study aimed to assess the nutritional value and mineral content of five edible wild mushrooms belonging to the family Russulaceae. In Manipur, wild mushrooms are primarily gathered and highly valued as a traditional nutritious food among the rural poor. Despite this, their nutritional characteristics have not been adequately studied and documented. Lactifluus dwaliensis, Lactifluus volemus, Russula rosea, Russula nigricans, and Russula virescens collected from Churachandpur, Manipur were initially identified based on morphological and molecular analysis. The nutrient analysis of the wild edible mushrooms collected revealed that they are an excellent source of protein and carbohydrates, while containing low amounts of fat. These mushrooms also showed high levels of essential minerals that are essential for human nutrition and overall health.
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