High Tartronic Acid Content Germplasms Screening of Cucumber and Its Response to Exogenous Agents.

Foods (Basel, Switzerland)(2024)

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Tartronic acid is known for its potential to inhibit sugar-to-lipid conversion in the human body, leading to weight loss and fat reduction. This compound is predominantly found in cucumbers and other cucurbit crops. Therefore, cultivating cucumbers with high tartronic acid content holds significant health implications. In this study, we assessed the tartronic acid content in 52 cucumber germplasms with favorable overall traits and identified 8 cucumber germplasms with elevated tartronic acid levels. Our investigation into factors influencing cucumber tartronic acid revealed a decrease in content with fruit development from the day of flowering. Furthermore, tartronic acid content was higher in early-harvested fruits compared to late-harvested ones, with the rear part of the fruit exhibiting significantly higher content than other parts. Foliar spraying of microbial agents increased tartronic acid content by 84.4%. This study provides valuable resources for breeding high tartronic acid cucumbers and offers practical insights for optimizing cucumber production practices.
tartronic acid,cucumber,harvesting period,fruit parts,microbial agent
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