
Chemotherapy Benefits in Patients with Hepatoid Adenocarcinoma: A Long-term Follow-up Study on a Rare Gastric Disease

European journal of surgical oncology the journal of the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the British Association of Surgical Oncology(2024)

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We thank Dr. Chen for his knowledgeable comments on our study [ 1 Huang Z.N. Huang Y.Q. Hong Q.Q. Zhang P. Zhang Z.Z. He L. et al. Long-term prognostic benefit of adjuvant chemotherapy for patients with hepatoid adenocarcinoma of the stomach after radical resection: A national multicenter study. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2023 Nov; 49106975 Abstract Full Text Full Text PDF Scopus (0) Google Scholar ]. Chemotherapy Benefits in Patients with Hepatoid Adenocarcinoma: A Long-term Follow-up Study on a Rare Gastric DiseaseEuropean Journal of Surgical OncologyPreviewWe read with great interest the article by Huang et al [1]. Hepatoid adenocarcinoma of the stomach (HAS) is a rare type of adenocarcinoma originating from the gastric mucosa, characterized by a high degree of malignancy and relatively poor prognosis, posing certain challenges to clinical diagnosis and treatment [2]. Currently, clinical guidelines often refer to the treatment of common adenocarcinomas of the same organ, and there is a lack of treatment guidelines specifically for HAS. Radical surgery is considered the main treatment approach for HAS, aiming to alleviate symptoms, prolong survival, and improve the quality of life of patients by removing the tumor and surrounding tissues. Full-Text PDF
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