
Active Passivation of Anion Vacancies in Antimony Selenide Film for Efficient Solar Cells

Advanced materials(2024)

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Binary antimony selenide (Sb2Se3) is a promising inorganic light-harvesting material with high stability, nontoxicity, and wide light harvesting capability. In this photovoltaic material, it has been recognized that deep energy level defects with large carrier capture cross section, such as VSe (selenium vacancy), lead to serious open-circuit voltage (VOC) deficit and in turn limit the achievable power conversion efficiency (PCE) of Sb2Se3 solar cells. Understanding the nature of deep-level defects and establishing effective method to eliminate the defects are vital to improving VOC. In this study, a novel directed defect passivation strategy is proposed to suppress the formation of VSe and maintain the composition and morphology of Sb2Se3 film. In particular, through systematic study on the evolution of defect properties, the pathway of defect passivation reaction is revealed. Owing to the inhibition of defect-assisted recombination, the VOC increases, resulting in an improvement of PCE from 7.69% to 8.90%, which is the highest efficiency of Sb2Se3 solar cells prepared by thermal evaporation method with superstrate device configuration. This study proposes a new understanding of the nature of deep-level defects and enlightens the fabrication of high quality Sb2Se3 thin film for solar cell applications. VSe is a kind of detrimental deep-level defect in Sb2Se3 thin films which induces serious carrier trapping. The effective passivation of defects is achieved by introducing trace amount of sulfur into Sb2Se3 film by transforming VSe to SSe. SSe defects are benign and do not trap charge carriers, thus improving the carrier lifetime and device performance. image
antimony selenide,defect evolution,defect passivation,solar cell
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