Alterations in plasma endocannabinoid concentrations among individuals with major depression treated with electroconvulsive therapy

Esther Bloemhof-Bris,David Meiri,Liron Sulimani, Sharon Nir Genesh, Gay Wexler, Itzhak Cohen, Anas Salama, Ioulia Burshtein, Shmuel Hirschmann, Kfir Feffer,Shira Weizman,Rafael Stryjer,Assaf Shelef

Psychiatry Research(2024)

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The role of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) in depression and suicidality has recently emerged. The purpose of the study was to identify changes in plasma endocannabinoid concentrations of several endocannabinoids and correlate them with depressive symptoms and suicidality in patients with severe major depression undergoing electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). The study included 17 patients that were evaluated in four visits at different stages of therapy. At each visit depression, anxiety and suicidality symptoms were assessed and blood samples collected. Several endocannabinoid concentrations increased following six sessions of ECT, as 2-AG (p < 0.05) and LEA (p < 0.01), and following twelve sessions of ECT, as 2-AG (p < 0.05), AEA (p < 0.05), LEA (p < 0.05) and DH-Gly (p < 0.05). Endocannabinoids also correlated with symptoms of depression, anxiety and suicidality at baseline and at the sixth ECT session. Finally, we found one endocannabinoid, L-Gly, that differentiated between remitted and not-remitted patients at the seventh and thirteenth ECT sessions (p < 0.05). Our findings suggest that depression is markedly related to imbalance of the endocannabinoid system, and further regulated by ECT. Plasma endocannabinoids could be promising biomarkers for detection of depression response and remission.
Endocannbinoid system,Endocannabinoids,Electroconvonlsive Therapy,Depression,Anxiety,suicidality,biomarkers
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