
Ni-Co Complex Ionic Synergistically Modifying Octahedron Lattice of Cordierite Ceramics for the Application of 5G Microwave-Millimeter-wave Antennas

Inorganic chemistry(2024)

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In this work, phase-pure Mg-1.8(Ni1-xCox)(0.2)Al4Si5O18 (0 <= x <= 1) ceramics were synthesized by a high-temperature solid-state method. On the basis of Rietveld refinement data of X-ray powder diffraction and Phillips-Vechten-Levine theory, the atomic ionicity, lattice energy, and bond energy of the compound were calculated to explore their influence on the microwave dielectric properties of ceramics. The Mg1.8Ni0.1Co0.1Al4Si5O18 (x = 0.5) ceramic exhibited the best microwave dielectric properties: epsilon(r) = 4.44, Qf = 73 539 GHz@13 GHz, and tau(f) = -23.9 ppm/degrees C. (Ni1-xCox)(2+) complex ionic doping, compared with only Ni2+ or Co2+, is beneficial for improving the symmetry of [Si4Al2O18] hexagonal rings and reducing distortion. Subsequently, 8 wt % TiO2 was added to Mg1.8Ni0.1Co0.1Al4Si5O18, resulting in a near-zero tau(f) and high Qf values for the composite ceramic, with epsilon(r) = 5.22, Qf = 58 449 GHz@13 GHz, and tau(f) = -2.06 ppm/degrees C. Finally, a 5G millimeter-wave antenna with a central operating frequency of 25.52 GHz was designed and fabricated using the Mg1.8Ni0.1Co0.1Al4Si5O18-8 wt % TiO2 ceramics. Operating in the 24.7-26.0 GHz range, it demonstrated favorable radiation characteristics with a simulated efficiency of 85.2% and a gain of 4.58 dBi. The antenna's performance confirms the high potential of the cordierite composite for application in 5G communication systems.
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