
A New Modified Method of All-Sky Radiance Distribution Based on the Principle of Photothermal Integration

Wanxiang Yao, Mengjia Song,Xianli Li,Xi Meng,Yan Wang,Xiangru Kong, Jinming Jiang

Applied Energy(2024)

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The development and utilization of solar energy, meteorological forecasting, and agricultural production all require accurate predictions of radiance. However, due to the influence of meteorological conditions and the failure of observation instruments and design defects, the data collection of all-sky radiance distribution is often missing or inaccurate. In this paper, a new modified method of all-sky radiance distribution (CASR) is proposed based on the Spatial distribution of daylight model recommended by Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage (CIE model). Firstly, a functional relationship between sky luminance and radiance was established based on measured data. Secondly, the abnormal values were divided into four categories according to the number of anomalous regions of radiance and the frequency of abnormal values in each sky region is determined, and the reasons were analyzed according to different altitude angles. Thirdly, the radiance and sky luminance anormal values were screened to determine their sky type by comparing them to a dataset of 15 standard sky types. The abnormal values were then corrected using the CIE luminance model with the relationship between radiance and sky luminance. Finally, the CASR model was validated against existing models. The results show that the CASR model accuracy was better than the existing model, which can accurately correct the sky luminance and radiance abnormal values and accurately characterize the distribution of radiance of the whole sky. It provides a theoretical basis for radiance prediction, natural lighting analysis and building energy consumption analysis.
Radiance,CIE model,Photothermal integration,Sky type,Anomaly modified
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