Exploiting the Adversarial Example Vulnerability of Transfer Learning of Source Code.

IEEE Trans. Inf. Forensics Secur.(2024)

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State-of-the-art source code classification models exhibit excellent task transferability, in which the source code encoders are first pre-trained on a source domain dataset in a self-supervised manner and then fine-tuned on a supervised downstream dataset. Recent studies reveal that source code models are vulnerable to adversarial examples, which are crafted by applying semantic-preserving transformations that can mislead the prediction of the victim model. While existing research has introduced practical black-box adversarial attacks, these are often designed for transfer-based or query-based scenarios, necessitating access to the victim domain dataset or the query feedback of the victim system. These attack resources are very challenging or expensive to obtain in real-world situations. This paper proposes the cross-domain attack threat model against the transfer learning of source code where the adversary has only access to an open-sourced pre-trained code encoder. To achieve such realistic attacks, this paper designs the Code Transfer learning Adversarial Example (CodeTAE) method. CodeTAE applies various semantic-preserving transformations and utilizes a genetic algorithm to generate powerful identifiers, thereby enhancing the transferability of the generated adversarial examples. Experimental results on three code classification tasks show that the CodeTAE attack can achieve 30% ~ 80% attack success rates under the cross-domain cross-architecture setting. Besides, the generated CodeTAE adversarial examples can be used in adversarial fine-tuning to enhance both the clean accuracy and the robustness of the code model.
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Key words
Transfer learning,source code models,cross-domain adversarial attack,adversarial transferability
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