Data Visualization of Weather Conditions in Hilly Regions using Wireless Technology

2024 IEEE Wireless Antenna and Microwave Symposium (WAMS)(2024)

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Applications as diverse as home automation and agriculture depend on weather monitoring. The design and deployment of a low-cost weather station that uses IoT technology to gather, transmit, and visualize local weather information are presented in this work. The system is built around an ESP8266 microprocessor and includes a DHT11 sensor for measuring temperature and humidity, a rain sensor for spotting precipitation, and an LDR sensor for keeping track of light levels. The weather station's findings show that it can deliver precise and current information on temperature, humidity, the likelihood of rain, and light intensity. In this paper, difficulties as well as potential future advancements are explored. For individuals and groups interested in keeping track of local weather conditions, the offered weather station offers an adaptable and practical solution. It is suitable for a variety of applications, from home weather monitoring to educational projects.
Wireless Technology,ESP8266,DHT11 Sensor,Data Monitoring,Environmental Sensing,Data Transmission,Temperature,Humidity
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