
PHOSPHATE1-mediated Phosphate Translocation from Roots to Shoots Regulates Floral Transition in Plants

Journal of experimental botany(2024)

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Phosphorus nutrition has been known to influence floral transition in plants for a long time, but the underlying mechanism is unclear. Arabidopsis PHOSPHATE1 (PHO1) plays a critical role in phosphate translocation from roots to shoots, but whether and how it regulates floral transition is unknown. Here, we show that knockout mutation of PHO1 delays flowering under both long-day and short-day conditions. The late flowering of pho1 mutants can be partially rescued by Pi supplementation in rosettes or shoot apices. Grafting assay indicates that the late flowering of pho1 mutants is resulted from impaired phosphate translocation from roots to shoots. Knockout mutation of SPX1 and SPX2, two negative regulators of phosphate starvation response, partially rescues the late flowering of pho1 mutants. PHO1 is epistatic to PHO2, a negative regulator of PHO1, in flowering time regulation. Loss of PHO1 represses the expression of some floral activators, including FT encoding florigen, and induces the expression of some floral repressors in shoots. Genetic analyses indicate that at least jasmonic acid signaling is partially responsible for the late flowering of pho1 mutants. In addition, we find rice PHO1;2, the homology of PHO1, plays a similar role in floral transition. These results suggest that PHO1 integrates phosphorus nutrition and flowering time and could be used as a potential target in modulating phosphorus nutrition-mediated flowering time in plants.
Arabidopsis,flowering,jasmonic acid signaling,pathway,PHO1,phosphorus
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