
Generation of High-Gain Steered Beam using Dipole Antenna Loaded on Anomalous Reflector with Near-field Correction

Dheeraj G, Sateesh S. Badadal, Mahesh Appajappa,Debdeep Sarkar

2024 IEEE Wireless Antenna and Microwave Symposium (WAMS)(2024)

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In this paper, a binary coded anomalous reflector with near-field correction technique is proposed for generation of directive beam from a dipole antenna. The proposed anomalous reflector of dimension $10\lambda_{0}\times 10\lambda_{0}$ operates at $f=5.9GHz$ and is capable of simultaneously correcting for near-field effects, while characteristically bearing a phase gradient to steer the main beam towards a designed angle of $45^{\mathrm{o}}$ . First, the phase gradient for far-field incidence is computed using generalised Snell's law. Next, the phase gradient is modified accordingly to correct the near-field effects due to the radiator placed at $\lambda_{0}/4$ above the anomalous reflector. The proposed anomalous reflector is designed on an FR-4 substrate. The primary radiator is a printed dipole with integrated balun matched to $50 \Omega$ . The dipole is designed on RT Duroid substrate of thickness 0.508mm. The placement of dipole with anomalous reflector along two orientations is studied for Gain and HPBW, and is compared to a dipole with PEC bearing the same dimensions. The dipole is individually optimised with both the PEC and the anomalous reflector to achieve optimum $S_{11}$ and impedance matching. For the anomalous reflector with dipole, a peak gain of 14.8 dBi is observed while consequently steering the beam at $45^{\mathrm{o}}$ . The proposed dipole backed with near-field corrected anomalous reflector can be employed in applications like Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) or Vehicle to Everything (V2X) networks.
Anomalous Reflectors,Coded Metasurface,Beam Steering,Phase Gradient,Printed Dipole,Intelligent Reflective Surfaces (IRS)
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