
Effects of South China Sea Clayey-Silty Sediments on the Kinetics and Morphology of CH4 Hydrate: Implication on Energy Recovery

Applied Energy(2024)

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Clayey-silty hydrate-bearing sediments are widely distributed worldwide, presenting significant potential for natural gas hydrate (NGH) extraction. However, fundamental thermodynamic and kinetic properties of CH4 hydrate (MH) within these sediments remain subjects of debate, necessitating further investigation. This study aimed to investigate the kinetics of MH formation and dissociation in clayey-silty sediments suspensions, alongside morphological examinations. Results demonstrated that SH-W02-B sediments (SS) effectively shorted the induction time (tind), with even a minute mass fraction of 0.1 wt% SS reducing tind by 14 min compared to pure water (41 min). Lower mass fractions (<5.0 wt%) exhibited slight promotion of MH growth kinetics, whereas higher mass fractions (>10.0 wt%) markedly promoted MH growth kinetics, peaking at 144 v/v (20.0 wt%), correspondingly, and facilitating the conversion of H2O to MH to ∼70%. Morphological observation unveiled the formation of a thin clay layer at the gas-liquid interface, retarding MH formation and inducing the development of an anti-seepage hydrate layer, leading to the initial slow growth phase. Subsequent upward water migration facilitated the transport of fine clay particles, while the progressive encasement of clay particles by hydrate disrupted the fine clay layer, triggering the rapid hydrate formation phase and ensuing stratification between fine and coarse sediments particles. During hydrate dissociation, a heterogeneous distribution of fine and coarse sediments particles manifested in the reservoir. Moreover, the results carrying profound implications on understanding NGH occurrence pattern and developing recovery strategies from clayey-silty hydrate-bearing sediments.
CH4 hydrate,South China Sea sediments,Clay minerals,CH4 hydrate kinetics,Hydrate-sediments stratification,Hydrate-sediments morphology
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