
Analysis of Mechanical Performance and Durability of Repair Mortar with Partial Replacement of Tufa Stones with Aggregates

Ramakrishnan Subramanian,Yogeshwaran Venkatraman


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In this study, the mortars utilized in the restoration projects need to be compatible with the conventional materials that were first used in these structures, both in terms of their mechanical and physiochemical qualities. Here, varying proportions of tufa stone powder - 37 and 42 percent by weight of the mixture, are used to partially replace the fine aggregate mixed mortars for repairs (M1, M2). In order to compare the performance of the third type of mortar (M3) with the tufa stone -based combinations, it was used in addition to the previously made mortars (M1, M2). The three types of mortars were thoroughly evaluated by examining their mechanical properties and durability qualities in conjunction with the tufa stone. The prepared mortar M2, out of all the mortars tested, which had a higher percentage of tufa stone powder substitution and a lower binder content, performed the worst mechanically, according to the data. The compressive and flexural strength of M2 mortar mix is 1.12 MPa and 0.72 MPa tested at 28 days. Similarly, the UPV, shear strength and shear interface for the M2 mortar mix is 0.71 MPa, 0.52 MPa and 1208 m/s at 60 days respectively. This implies that in comparison to the traditional tufa masonry, this specific mortar is less compact and more flexible. The created mortar (M2) has similar thermal qualities and is long-lasting like tufa stone found in historical sites.
Mortar repair,Tufa stone,Robustness,Physical and Mechanical properties,Characterization process
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