
Experimental Study of Mini-Hydrocyclones with Different Top-Plate Angles Using Particle Imaging Velocimetry

Yi Fan,Jie Ji, Beijia Huang, Wencheng Liu, Yuandong Huang


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As one of the classic non-thermal separation methods, the mini-hydrocyclone separate the flow field with its internal complex strong vortex. How to improve the separation efficiency is a problem that has been studied over the years. In our previous studies, the separation and grade efficiency of four inlet section angles were studied. The best inlet section angle to improve the efficiency of separation was clarified by using Particle Image Velocimetry(PIV). This study introduced top-plate angles in the mini-hydrocyclones to conduct further research. Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) was used to test the flow patterns of a set of 35 mm mini-hydrocyclones with different top-plate angles (0°,30°,45°,60°). The axial velocity contours and radial velocity contours were obtained, the streamline distributions were obtained by calculation. The specific data of the separation process under different top-plate angles were obtained by Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) methodology, compared and analyzed with different inlet section angles. It was found that the separation efficiency of the top-plate angle is better than that of the inlet section angle at the same angle, the streamline is more regular. It showed that the separation process is not easily disturbed by vortex flow when the top-plate plate was introduced. The results showed that the optimal inlet top-plate angle in this study is 30°.
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