
Explaining the Drop in Open-Circuit Voltage of Co-Evaporated FACsPbIBrCl Perovskites with Increased Chloride Content Using Drift-Diffusion Simulations

Proceedings of the International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics(2024)

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Explaining the drop in open-circuit voltage of co-evaporated FACsPbIBrCl perovskites with increased chloride content using drift-diffusion simulationsSander Heester a, Federico Ventosinos b, Lidón Gil-Escrig b, Henk Bolink b, Jan Anton Koster aa Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials, University of Groningen, The Netherlands, Nijenborgh, 7, Groningen, Netherlandsb Instituto de Ciencia Molecular, Universidad de Valencia, Paterna, Valencia, 46980, Spain, Carrer del Catedrátic José Beltrán Martinez, 2, Paterna, SpainInternational Conference on Hybrid and Organic PhotovoltaicsProceedings of International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics (HOPV24)València, Spain, 2024 May 12th - 15thOrganizer: Bruno EhrlerOral, Sander Heester, presentation 078DOI: date: 6th February 2024Co-evaporation is an established technique for deposition of thin films and a promising method to create solvent-free perovskite solar cells with high performance. Among these perovskites is FACsPbIBrCl, which is a type of perovskite that is well suited for wide band gap applications such as tandem cells. To further increase their performance, we want to increase the open circuit voltage of these subcells. This is, among other things, affected by the halide composition of the perovskite. In our co-evaporated FACsPbIBrCl perovskite solar cell with organic transport layers, we tried to achieve this by varying the chloride content. However, adding an increasing amount of chloride to the perovskite results in a substantial drop in open-circuit voltage up to 0.2V. Here we show that the drop in open circuit voltage can only be explained by an increased step in band energies between the different layers in the device. We demonstrate this via a comprehensive and thorough JV curve fitting strategy using the drift-diffusion simulation software SIMsalabim[1]. We found that the introduction of an energy step between the valence bands of the perovskite and the electron transport layer is the only scenario that can explain the drop in open-circuit voltage. The energy step must be at least 0.3 eV. Our results provide an explanation for the decrease in performance when increasing the chloride content of the co-evaporated FACsPbIBrCl, in contrast to our initial expectations. We anticipate that, as we have shown numerically, that with an energetic re-optimization of the electron transport layer, the drop in open-circuit voltage can be avoided. References:[1] M. Koopmans, V.M. Le Corre, and L.J.A. Koster, SIMsalabim: An open-source drift- diffusion simulator for semiconductor devices, J. Open Source Softw. 7, 3727 (2022)© FUNDACIO DE LA COMUNITAT VALENCIANA SCITOnanoGe is a prestigious brand of successful science conferences that are developed along the year in different areas of the world since 2009. Our worldwide conferences cover cutting-edge materials topics like perovskite solar cells, photovoltaics, optoelectronics, solar fuel conversion, surface science, catalysis and two-dimensional materials, among many others.MATSUSPreviously nanoGe Spring Meeting (NSM) and nanoGe Fall Meeting (NFM), MATSUS is a multiple symposia conference focused on a broad set of topics of advanced materials preparation, their fundamental properties, and their applications, in fields such as renewable energy, photovoltaics, lighting, semiconductor quantum dots, 2-D materials synthesis, charge carriers dynamics, microscopy and spectroscopy semiconductors fundamentals, etc.International Conference on Hybrid and Organic PhotovoltaicsInternational Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics (HOPV) is celebrated yearly in May. The main topics are the development, function and modeling of materials and devices for hybrid and organic solar cells. The field is now dominated by perovskite solar cells but also other hybrid technologies, as organic solar cells, quantum dot solar cells, and dye-sensitized solar cells and their integration into devices for photoelectrochemical solar fuel production.Asia-Pacific International Conference on Perovskite, Organic Photovoltaics and OptoelectronicsThe main topics of the Asia-Pacific International Conference on Perovskite, Organic Photovoltaics and Optoelectronics (IPEROP) are discussed every year in Asia-Pacific for gathering the recent advances in the fields of material preparation, modeling and fabrication of perovskite and hybrid and organic materials. Photovoltaic devices are analyzed from fundamental physics and materials properties to a broad set of applications. The conference also covers the developments of perovskite optoelectronics, including light-emitting diodes, lasers, optical devices, nanophotonics, nonlinear optical properties, colloidal nanostructures, photophysics and light-matter coupling.International Conference on Perovskite Thin Film Photovoltaics Perovskite Photonics and OptoelectronicsThe International Conference on Perovskite Thin Film Photovoltaics Perovskite Photonics and Optoelectronics (NIPHO) is the best place to hear the latest developments in perovskite solar cells as well as on recent advances in the fields of perovskite light-emitting diodes, lasers, optical devices, nanophotonics, nonlinear optical properties, colloidal nanostructures, photophysics and light-matter coupling.
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