Peripheral CX3CR1+ T cells combined with PD-1 blockade therapy potentiates the anti-tumor efficacy for lung cancer.

Congcong Li, Zhen Zhang, Qianfeng Cai, Qitai Zhao, Han Wu, JunRu Li, Yaqing Liu, Xuan Zhao, Jinyan Liu, Yu Ping, Jiqi Shan, Shengli Yang, Yi Zhang


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Identifying tumor-relevant T cell subsets in the peripheral blood (PB) has become a potential strategy for cancer treatment. However, the subset of PB that could be used to treat cancer remains poorly defined. Here, we found that the CX3CR1+ T cell subset in the blood of patients with lung cancer exhibited effector properties and had a higher TCR matching ratio with tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) compared to CX3CR1- T cells, as determined by paired single-cell RNA and TCR sequencing. Meanwhile, the anti-tumor activities, effector cytokine production, and mitochondrial function were enhanced in CX3CR1+ T cells both in vitro and in vivo. However, in the co-culture system of H322 cells with T cells, the percentages of apoptotic cells and Fas were substantially higher in CX3CR1+ T cells than those in CX3CR1- T cells. Fas-mediated apoptosis was rescued by treatment with an anti-PD-1 antibody. Accordingly, the combination of adoptive transfer of CX3CR1+ T cells and anti-PD-1 treatment considerably decreased Fas expression and improved the survival of lung xenograft mice. Moreover, an increased frequency of CX3CR1+ T cells in the PB correlated with a better response and prolonged survival of patients with lung cancer who received anti-PD-1 therapy. These findings indicate the promising potential of adoptive transfer of peripheral CX3CR1+ T cells as an individual cancer immunotherapy.
anti-PD-1 treatment,cancer immunotherapy,CX3CR1+ T cells,Fas,lung cancer
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