
Neolithic Arrowheads and Bronze Age Industry at Saruq Al Hadid, UAE

Amal Al Kassem,Huw S. Groucutt, Felix Reize, Mariam Ali Alsuwaidi, Badar Mohamed Abdulla Al Ali,Mansour Boraik Radwan Karim

Journal of archaeological science Reports/Journal of archaeological science reports(2024)

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Among growing indications of human occupation in the coastal regions of southern and southeastern Arabia extending into the Neolithic and beyond, this study introduces new archaeological evidence, namely bifacial arrowheads and trihedral points, suggesting human presence at the Saruq Al-Hadid site in the fringe of Rub' Al Khali during the mid-Holocene period. Human activities in the site are dated to the 'Dark Millennium' and Bronze Age. We suggest that Contexts 10 and 8 are an extension of the activities of the Horizon IV, located 20 m to the West. This is evidenced by the similarity in the simple reduction strategies applied in both to produce microliths, which are dated in both as well to the Wadi Suq and Late Bronze Age periods. However, there is a notable difference in bone density, with Horizon IV exhibiting higher density. Moreover, the almost complete absence of end products in Contexts 10 and 8 contrasts with their prevalence in Horizon IV. And the absence of final products in Contexts 10 and 8, with their high percentage in the Horizon IV. Taken together, these indications, coupled with the low density of lithics in Contexts 10 and 8 as well as those unearthed in area F, suggest that Horizon IV was the focal point of activities during the Wadi Suq period and the Late Bronze Age.
Neolithic,Arrowheads,Microliths,Bronz Age,Techno-typological analyses,Saruq Al Hadid,Dubai,Arabia
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