Rowhammer Cache: A Last-Level Cache for Low-Overhead Rowhammer Tracking.
IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust(2024)
The rowhammer attack on modern DRAM systems is here to stay as the number of row activations required to induce a DRAM bit flip (rowhammer threshold) is following a trend of concern: 100K activations in 2014 to a few hundred activations in recent years. Hardware mitigations of rowhammer attacks need a rowhammer tracker that can track the DRAM row activations, and trigger the rowhammer mitigation. The state-of-the-art rowhammer tracker named Hybrid Tracker (HYDRA) is a lightweight hardware approach. HYDRA incurs a performance slowdown of less than 1%. However, our evaluations show that HYDRA fails to deliver its promise in terms of performance and storage overhead. For SPEC CPU2017 homogeneous 8-core workloads, HYDRA incurs a performance slowdown of 23.63%. We find that the simulation infrastructure used in HYDRA does not simulate a modern processor with a detailed cache hierarchy with hardware prefetching. The workloads used do not capture all the regions of interest (sim-points) of a benchmark. To mitigate this problem of performance slowdown without compromising security, we propose rowhammer cache, a storage-efficient and low-performance overhead HYDRA that provides the sweet spot in terms of storage overhead, and performance overhead. rowhammer cache uses existing last-level cache (LLC) space instead of additional SRAM storage for rowhammer tracking. Rowhammer cache improves the effectiveness of HYDRA by improving the performance slowdown from 23.6% to 2.25% for 55 8-core SPEC CPU2017 homogeneous mixes. For 20 8-core GAP mixes, it improves the performance slowdown from 36.47% to 5.61%. For 45 representative heterogeneous mixes, the Rowhammer cache improves performance slowdown from 28.68% to 3.14%. Rowhammer cache provides these performance improvements with negligible storage of 512 bytes.
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Last-level Cache,Heterogeneous Mix,Performance Overhead,Graphene,Lower Threshold,Focus Of This Paper,Activity Counts,Trivial Solution,Most Significant Bit,Frequent Access,Baseline System,High Hit Rate,Bloom Filter,Tracking Mechanism
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