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A field study of train-interior noise using objective measurements and subjective perceptions

Junyuan Zheng,Caiyou Zhao, Xinhao Zhang, Xinchi Zhong, Duojia Shi,Ping Wang

Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment(2024)

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Metro operations inevitably generate noise inside trains. For better understanding the characteristics of interior noise, we conducted interior noise measurements on 12 subway lines in a Chinese city, objectively explored the reasons for psychological annoyance. By conducting a survey on passengers, we investigated the noise-components that cause an increase in subjective annoyance and used ordinal logistic regression to explore the key factors. Finally, the noise time–frequency characteristics under different operating conditions were discussed.The results showed that loudness is the primary factor causing psychological annoyance. Rail corrugation, especially in the 63–125 Hz range, and broadcasts are the main noise sources that cause annoyance. There was a strong correlation between subjective annoyance and noise sensitivity, and track spatial position and alignment, while vehicle type and seating position had no significant effect. A new index has been proposed for quantifying subjective annoyance. During maintenance, attention should be paid to rail corrugation.
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Key words
Metro,Interior noise,Noise measurements,Noise annoyance,Corrugation
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