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Using Mobile Daily Mood and Anxiety Self-ratings to Predict Depression Symptom Improvement.

Soumyashree Sahoo,Chinmaey Shende, Md Zakir Hossain, Parit Patel, Xinyu Wang, Md Ishtyaq Mahmud, Jinbo Bi, Jayesh Kamath, Alexander Russell,Dongjin Song,Bing Wang

IEEE/ACM International Conference on Connected Health: Applications, Systems and Engineering Technologies(2024)

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Effective treatment of depression is important for the well-being of individuals and the overall health of the society. The current treatment approach calls for monitoring and assessing depression symptoms using self-administered or clinician-administered questionnaires, which are burdensome, costly, and may suffer from recall and desirability bias. In this study, we explore using daily 5-point Likert-scale mood and anxiety survey in place of burdensome clinical depression questionnaires for monitoring depression treatment. Specifically, we collect daily mood and anxiety surveys using a smartphone app, and use them to predict depression symptom improvement in a clinical depressed population. Using a dataset from 67 participants, we show that both mood and anxiety features obtained from the daily survey have significant correlation with clinical questionnaire scores. We then develop a family of machine learning models that use mood and anxiety features (separately or in combination) to predict symptom improvement status on a weekly basis. The best prediction F 1 score achieved by these models is 0.65. While this accuracy is lower than what is achieved by clinical questionnaires (best F 1 score being 0.71), daily survey is much less burdensome, and hence we believe that it provides a promising direction in monitoring depression symptom improvement. We further show that the prediction accuracy is not sensitive to missing data, allowing not very regular responses in practice. Last, we show that adding more historical data beyond the current week does not provide much benefits in improving prediction accuracy, and daily mood/anxiety self-ratings can predict improvement status accurately one or two weeks in the future.
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Key words
Depressive Symptoms,Improvement In Depressive Symptoms,Daily Mood,Machine Learning,Prediction Accuracy,Recall Bias,Machine Learning Models,F1 Score,Diagnosis Of Depression,Treatment Of Depression,Improve Prediction Accuracy,Day Of The Survey,Clinical Questionnaire,Assessment Of Depressive Symptoms,Discourage,Learning Algorithms,Support Vector Machine,Random Forest,Weeks Of Data,Mood Ratings,XGBoost,Radial Basis Function Kernel,Daily Data,Precision And Recall,Prediction Scenarios,Patient Health Questionnaire-9 Scores,Sequence Prediction,Sensor Data
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