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Pool Fire Rendering Method Based on Improved Particle System with Collision Detection Algorithm

Mo Su, Xiangkun Guo,Shu Li, Meng Liu, Chang Liu


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In order to solve the problem that pool fire simulation is difficult to achieve real-time and realistic performance, in this paper, a pool fire rendering method based on improved particle system with collision detection algorithm is proposed. Firstly, mathematical model of pool fire is analysed, on this basis, the improved particle system model is established taking outside factors (such as wind speed, etc.) into consideration, and then via pool fire collision detection model based on adaptive binary tree, this paper uses partition algorithm based on adaptive binary tree to optimize the speed of burning liquid collision detection, this plays a crucial role for the quality and efficiency of subsequent rendering, thus realizes the pool fire rendering process optimization. Experimental results show that this method is simple to implement and the display effect of pool fire rendering is more real.
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