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D Whitehouse, J Lovegrove
C. Abbott, M. Adinolfi, Wayne Bacon, S. Ballinger, B. Beach, D. Beitz, M. M. Bentley, Lincoln P. Brower, E. H. Bryant, M. Bustin,B. Carritt, D. Cavener,D. R. Davies,A. Devonshire, R. Discipio,Y. H. Edwards, R. Feyereisen, Victoria Finnerty, Ying-hui Fu,R. Ganschow,Jesse P. Goff,A. Good, J. Hamrick,S. Harris, Gary E. Hart,D. Hickey, E. Hodgson, Jean L. Johnson, J. Johnston,J. S. Jones, D. Kurtz, B. N. Ladu, B. Landry,I. Lush, F. Maley,J. Mallet, E. Mccabe, Bruce D. McClure, T. Mckeon, M. McPhaul, B. Milligan, Ian Molineaux, J. Moore, A. Orr,T. Orton, K. Paigen, D. Quinn,M. Raymond, J. Rogers, K. G. Ross,M. Sachs,J. G. Scandalios,P. R. Shrewry, R. Simpson, Anuradha Singh,R. S. Singh,L. Skow, C. Stormont, J. Strassmann,C. Stushnoff,D. Swallow,R. Swank, C. Tomlinson, R. P. Wagner, Bruce Walsh, David Warnock, W. B. Watt, J. Weber, B. Wentworth,D. Whitehouse,J. Womack, A. Zera
M. Adinolfi,Karen Artzt, Nigel S. Atkinson, A. Bartke, Ernest Beutler, Joseph Bonaventura, William F. Boston, George J. Brewer, E. H. Bryant, J. Buettner-Janusch,Min-Lee Cheng, P. S. Chourey,J. Clegg, M. Cronin, W. L. Crosby, James W. Curtsinger, D. R. Davies,A. L. Devonshire, John Di Giovanni,Donald P. Doolittle,Y. H. Edwards,Robert E. Ferrell, T. J. Gill, Darrel E. Goll,Allen G. Good, M. E. Grant, J. L. Hamrick,Stephen E. Harris, David Hewett-Emmett, David Hillis, Barton Holmquist, John J. Hutton,J. S. Jones, Monica J. Justice,Christian LeGuern, Joan K. Lunney,I. Lush, Ronald Matson, Bernie May, Robert McCluer, Ian C. McDonald, B. R. Migeon, Sudhir K. Narang, Oliver E. Nelson, Ida S. Owens, B. J. Paigen, Jeff Palmer, Shelley Payne,J. Peters, G. C. Priestley,M. Raymond, R. C. Richmond, R. L. Roehrdanz, David H. Sachs,Paul B. Samollow,John G. Scandalios, Edward Schilling,P. R. Shrewry, Liz Snella, William Sofer, Mike Stem, David B. Stern, R. V. Storti, Joan E. Strassmann, Judith Strommer, Charles W. Stuber, David T. Sullivan,D. M. Swallow, M. W. Taylor, J. A. Tischfield, Andrew M. Torres, John L. VandeBerg, Robert A. Voelker, Warren Voth, Robin S. Waples, Harold Werbin,D. B. Whitehouse, Isaac Wirgin,James E. Womack
C. M. Abbott,M. Adinolfi, Vincent G. Allfrey, C. F. Arlett, F. G. Berger, G. Bulfield, Edward G. Buss,J. Clegg, Neal G. Copeland, D. R. Davies, Muriel T. Davisson, T. H. Day,A. L. Devonshire, D. P. Doolittle,Y. H. Edwards,Lorraine Flaherty, Jonathan Gershenson, J. L. Hamrick, L. Curtis Hannah,Stephen E. Harris,John D. Hempel, Robert K. Herman, David Ho, Edward L. Hogan, David Irwin, M. I. Kamboh,Robert G. Kemp, Kenneth D. Lanclos, Enrique P. Lessa, Leo S. Luckinbill,I. Lush, C. A. Malcolm, Frank Marcus, Don C. Morizot, Lynn E. Murry, S. Narang, Ron J. Okagaki, Dorothy Pashley, Rich Patrick J. Peters,Regina Pietruszko,M. S. Povey, David Ribble, Eloy Rodriguez, Raphael de Sa, Matthew S. Sachs,John G. Scandalios,Jacquelin B. Shaffer,P. R. Shrewry, H. A. Simmonds, R. S. Singh, William Sofer, Carlos Solfs, Greg S. Spicer, Joan E. Strassmann,D. M. Swallow, W. Traut, Hirashi Uehara, Thomas L. Vandergon, R. Weiss,D. B. Whitehouse, John H. Williamson,Christopher Wills, Allan C. Wilson, O. E. Wilson,Stephen W. Wilson, Thomas G. Wilson, M. F. Wolfner,James E. Womack,Anthony J. Zera
C. M. Abbott,M. Adinolfi, M. Ashburner,Edwin A. Azen, C. R. Benedict, R. J. Berry, Thomas K. Blake, M. Blumenfeld, Olga O. Blumenfeld, Sue Boinski, George J. Brewer,Steven M. Carr, Hampton L. Carson, Vicki L. Chandler,Verne M. Chapman, P. Chourey,J. Clegg, Sally Constable, Diana Cox-Foster, J. R. David, D. R. Davies, T. H. Day, L. Densmore, Barbara DuPont, H. J. Edenberg,Y. H. Edwards, Igor K. Egorov,Lorraine Flaherty, Minoru Fukuda, W. T. Garrard, Jonathan Gershenson, Jeanne Guenther, Gary E. Hart, W. B. Heed,John D. Hempel,Donal A. Hickey, David Hillis, R. B. Hodgetts, Charles W. Jacobs,J. S. Jones, P. King, J. F. Leslie, Nobugo Maeda, Bernie May, John R. McCarrey, Tracy McLellan, M. Miles, Stephen G. Miller, M. J. Morgan, Don C. Morizot, R. A. Nunamaker,J. Peters,Regina Pietruszko,M. S. Povey, Marcus M. Reidenberg,T. M. Rizki,D. B. Roberts, R. L. Roehrdanz,John G. Scandalios,Michael J. Siciliano, H. A. Simmonds,Loren C. Skow, W. W. Socha, J. C. Sparrow, C. W. Stuber, H. Allen Sylvester, L. V. Taylor, Jim Travis, Hirashi Uehara, Rebecca Van Beneden, John L. VandeBerg, R. D. Ward,Stephen White,D. B. Whitehouse,J. Barry Whitney, Ill D. Williams, John H. Williamson,C. Wills, Allan C. Wilson,James E. Womack, Vassilis I. Zannis,Anthony J. Zera, Alfred Zweidler
Robert P. Adams, Frank B. Armstrong, Agnes Ayme-Southgate,Susan M. Bandoni, K. M. Beckingham, William A. Brindley,B. Carritt, Andrew G. Clark, James F. Crow,D. R. Davies, J. Dissing, John Drake,Y. H. Edwards, Richard P. Elinson, Eric Fyrberg, J. P. Gustafson,Stephen E. Harris,Donal A. Hickey, A. M. Henney, David Irwin,J. S. Jones, Werner Kalow, C. M. Kielty, J. A. W. Kirsch, Thomas D. Kocher, Mei-Chang Kuo,Bert N. LaDu, D. Lafiandra,I. Lush,J. Mallet,Margaret Mulvey, C. O'Kane,T. J. Orton, A. Pomiankowski, Avutu S. Reddy, Tod W. Reeder, Rollin C. Richmond, Jean Rivoal, Terry Robinson,Douglas D. Root, Donald J. Roufa, Oliver A. Ryder,Martin M. Sachs, N. S. Scrimshaw,P. R. Shrewry,Rama S. Singh, E. Skameme,Ceeil Stushnoff, David T. Sullivan, Steve Taber, P. Tippett, J. N. Udall, Daniel A. Vasco, J. Craig Venter, E. Verspoor, M. Vignon, Kuan Wang, Cathy J. Wedeen,D. B. Whitehouse,Anthony J. Zera
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 60

#Citation: 1271

H-Index: 23

G-Index: 34

Sociability: 5

Diversity: 3

Activity: 0

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