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Papers共 36 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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Mona Amini-Adlé,Jean‐Philippe Arnault, F. Aubin, N. Bénéton,Guido Bens, F. Brunet‐Possenti, P. Célérier,Julie Charles, L. Crumbach, S. Dalac, S. Darras,J. De Quatrebarbes, M. Dinulescu,Caroline Dutriaux, C. Gaudy, E. Gérard,Damien Giacchero, F. Granel‐Brocard,Florent Grange,Thomas Jouary, N. Kramkimel,Célèste Lebbe,Y. Le Corre, D. Legoupil, C. Lesage,Thierry Lesimple, Jean-Matthieu L’Orphelin,Sandrine Mansard,Ludovic Martin, S. Prey,Ève Maubec, Nicolas Meyer, C. Mignard, H. Montaudié, Laurent Mortier,Charlée Nardin, Emilie Bérard, Camille Laurent, L. Peuvrel, G. Quéreux,Caroline Robert, Philippe Saïag, M. Saint‐Jean, Mahtab Samimi, B. Sassolas, C. Scalbert,François Skowron, M. Steff,Pierre‐Emmanuel Stoebner, S. Trablesi, L. Visseaux, O. Zehou, A. Boespflug
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 36

#Citation: 1007

H-Index: 15

G-Index: 22

Sociability: 6

Diversity: 2

Activity: 15

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