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Research Interests

Papers共 2 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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Matthew C Farrelly, Martin Feldstein, Deon Filmer, ES Fisher, KM Flegal,Roderick Floud, William H Foege,Robert W Fogel, E Frankenberg, Vicki A Freeman, Eric French,Linda P Fried, JF Fries, WG Gale, Craig A Gallet,Laura N Gitlin,Edward Glaeser, J Gokhale, D Goldman, Christian Gollier,Francisco Gomes, John T Gourville, Evarts Graham, W Greene, Annable Gregory,Michael Grossman,Jonathan Gruber,Jack M Guralnik, JE Harding, F Hayashi, AI Hermalin, Douglas Holtz-Eakin,James S House, HW Hoynes,Gur Huberman, Srikanth Kadiyala, A Kapteyn, SP Keehan,Verna M Keith, AC Kelley, Peter Kemper, Gabor Kézdi, Surachai Khitatrakun, K Kinsella, S Kohnz,Jennie Jacobs Kronenfeld, D Krueger,F Kubler,Mun-Sim Lai,David Laibson,D Lakdawalla,Mary Beth Landrum, D Landua, EP Lazear,RD Lee,Ronald Lee, SH Lee, W Leibfritz, Mark Lepper,Dan Levin, Phillip B Levine, LA Lillard, M Lindeboom, Darren Lubotsky, EF Luttmer, Herbert L Lyon, Alphone L MacDonald, Thomas MaCurdy,Pascal Maenhout, Frank A Maier
Author Statistics

#Papers: 2

#Citation: 23

H-Index: 1

G-Index: 1

Sociability: 3

Diversity: 0

Activity: 0

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