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Abigail C. Allwood,Lawrence A. Wade,Marc C. Foote,W. T. Elam,Joel A. Hurowitz,Steven Battel,Douglas Dawson,Robert W. Denise,Eric M. Ek,Martin S. Gilbert,Matthew E. King,Carl Christian Liebe,T. J. Parker,David A. K. Pedersen,David P. Randall,Robert F. Sharrow,Michael E. Sondheim,George Allen,Kenneth Arnett,Mitchell H. Au,Christophe Basset,Mathias Benn,John C. Bousman,David F. Braun,Robert J. Calvet,Benton C. Clark,Luca Cinquini,Sterling Conaby,Henry A. Conley,Scott Davidoff,Jenna Delaney,Troelz Denver,Ernesto Diaz,Gary Doran,Joan Ervin,Michael Evans,David Flannery,Ning Gao,Johannes Gross,John P. Grotzinger,Brett Hannah,Jackson T. Harris,Cathleen M. Harris,Yejun He,Christopher M. Heirwegh,Christina Hernandez,Eric Hertzberg,Robert Hodyss,James R. Holden,Christopher Hummel,Matthew A. Jadusingh,John Leif Jørgensen,Jonathan H. Kawamura,Amarit Kitiyakara,Kris Kozaczek,James L. Lambert,Peter R. Lawson,Yang Liu,Thomas S. Luchik,Kristen M. Macneal,Soren N. Madsen,Scott M. McLennan,Patrick J. McNally,Patrick Meras,Richard E. Muller,Jamie Napoli, B. J. Naylor,Peter Nemere,Igor Ponomarev,Raul M. Perez,Napat Pootrakul,Raul A. Romero,Rogelio Rosas,Jared Sachs, R. T. Schaefer, Michael E. Schein,Timothy P. Setterfield,Vritika Singh,Eugenie Song,Mary Soria,P. C. Stek,Nicholas Tallarida,David R. Thompson,Michael M. Tice,Lars Timmermann,Violet Torossian,Allan H. Treiman,Shihchuan Tsai,Kyle Uckert,Juan Villalvazo,Mandy Wang,Daniel W. Wilson,Shana C. Worel,Payam Zamani,Mike Zappe,Fang Zhong,Richard Zimmerman
Abigail C. Allwood,Lawrence A. Wade,Marc C. Foote,William Timothy Elam,Joel A. Hurowitz,Steven Battel,Douglas E. Dawson,Robert W. Denise,Eric M. Ek,Martin S. Gilbert,Matthew E. King,Carl Christian Liebe,Todd Parker,David A. K. Pedersen,David P. Randall,Robert F. Sharrow,Michael E. Sondheim,George Allen,Kenneth Arnett,Mitchell H. Au,Christophe Basset,Mathias Benn,John C. Bousman,David Braun,Robert J. Calvet,Benton Clark,Luca Cinquini,Sterling Conaby,Henry A. Conley,Scott Davidoff,Jenna Delaney,Troelz Denver,Ernesto Diaz,Gary B. Doran,Joan Ervin,Michael Evans,David T. Flannery,Ning Gao,Johannes Gross,John Grotzinger,Brett Hannah,Jackson T. Harris,Cathleen M. Harris,Yejun He,Christopher M. Heirwegh,Christina Hernandez,Eric Hertzberg,Robert P. Hodyss,James R. Holden,Christopher Hummel,Matthew A. Jadusingh,John L. Jørgensen,Jonathan H. Kawamura,Amarit Kitiyakara,Kris Kozaczek,James L. Lambert,Peter R. Lawson,Yang Liu,Thomas S. Luchik,Kristen M. Macneal,Soren N. Madsen,Scott M. McLennan,Patrick McNally,Patrick L. Meras,Richard E. Muller,Jamie Napoli,Bret J. Naylor,Peter Nemere,Igor Ponomarev,Raul M. Perez,Napat Pootrakul,Raul A. Romero,Rogelio Rosas,Jared Sachs,Rembrandt T. Schaefer,Michael E. Schein,Timothy P. Setterfield,Vritika Singh,Eugenie Song,Mary M. Soria,Paul C. Stek,Nicholas R. Tallarida,David R. Thompson,Michael M. Tice,Lars Timmermann,Violet Torossian,Allan Treiman,Shihchuan Tsai,Kyle Uckert,Juan Villalvazo,Mandy Wang,Daniel W. Wilson,Shana C. Worel,Payam Zamani,Mike Zappe,Fang Zhong,Richard Zimmerman
Abigail C. Allwood,Lawrence A. Wade,Marc C. Foote,William Timothy Elam,Joel A. Hurowitz,Steven Battel,Douglas E. Dawson,Robert W. Denise,Eric M. Ek,Martin S. Gilbert,Matthew E. King,Carl Christian Liebe,Todd Parker,David A. K. Pedersen,David P. Randall,Robert F. Sharrow,Michael E. Sondheim,George Allen,Kenneth Arnett,Mitchell H. Au,Christophe Basset,Mathias Benn,John C. Bousman,David Braun,Robert J. Calvet,Benton Clark,Luca Cinquini,Sterling Conaby,Henry A. Conley,Scott Davidoff,Jenna Delaney,Troelz Denver,Ernesto Diaz,Gary B. Doran,Joan Ervin,Michael Evans, David O. Flannery,Ning Gao,Johannes Gross,John Grotzinger,Brett Hannah,Jackson T. Harris,Cathleen M. Harris,Yejun He,Christopher M. Heirwegh,Christina Hernandez,Eric Hertzberg,Robert P. Hodyss,James R. Holden,Christopher Hummel,Matthew A. Jadusingh,John L. Jørgensen,Jonathan H. Kawamura,Amarit Kitiyakara,Kris Kozaczek,James L. Lambert,Peter R. Lawson,Yang Liu,Thomas S. Luchik,Kristen M. Macneal,Soren N. Madsen,Scott M. McLennan,Patrick McNally,Patrick L. Meras,Richard E. Muller,Jamie Napoli,Bret J. Naylor,Peter Nemere,Igor Ponomarev,Raul M. Perez,Napat Pootrakul,Raul A. Romero,Rogelio Rosas,Jared Sachs,Rembrandt T. Schaefer,Michael E. Schein,Timothy P. Setterfield,Vritika Singh,Eugenie Song,Mary M. Soria,Paul C. Stek,Nicholas R. Tallarida,David R. Thompson,Michael M. Tice,Lars Timmermann,Violet Torossian,Allan Treiman,Shihchuan Tsai,Kyle Uckert,Juan Villalvazo,Mandy Wang,Daniel W. Wilson,Shana C. Worel,Payam Zamani,Mike Zappe,Fang Zhong,Richard Zimmerman
T. Casey,Nerses Armani, Wes Alexander,Lisa Bartusek,Carl Blaurock,David F. Braun, A. Carra, Yves Conturie,Christine Cottingham,R. Demers,Mike DiPirro,Robert T. Effinger,Robert Egerman, F. Forkl,Guangjun Gao, S. Godo, J. Gygax,John G. Hagopian, T. Hahm, John Hawk, Gurnie C. Hobbs, Clifton E. Jackson,Alden S. Jurling,Brian Kern, J. W. Kruk, X. Li,Alice Liu,Cathy Marx, M. Marzouk, C. McDonald,M. Melton,James Mondello, C. Noecker,Bert A. Pasquale,Hume L. Peabody,I. Poberezhskiy, Cory A. Powell, G. Rosanova,J. Ruffa,Jeffrey S. Smith, H. Tang, C. Tolman,Arthur Whipple,Timothy J. Wilson,Melissa F. Vess,Perry Voyer
Naoyuki Tamura, Naruhisa Takato,Atsushi Shimono,Yuki Moritani,Kiyoto Yabe,Yuki Ishizuka,Akitoshi Ueda,Yukiko Kamata,Hrand Aghazarian,Stephane Arnouts,Gabriel Barban,Robert H. Barkhouser, Renato C. Borges,David F. Braun,Michael A. Carr,Pierre-Yves Chabaud,Yin-Chang Chang,Hsin-Yo Chen,Masashi Chiba,Richard C. Y. Chou,You-Hua Chu,Judith G. Cohen,Rodrigo P. De Almeida,Antonio C. De Oliveira,Ligia S. De Oliveira,Richard G. Dekany,Kjetil Dohlen,Jesulino B. Dos Santos,Leandro H. Dos Santos,Richard S. Ellis,Maximilian Fabricius,Didier Ferrand,Decio Ferreira,Mirek Golebiowski,Jenny E. Greene,Johannes Gross,James E. Gunn,Randolph Hammond,Albert Harding,Murdock Hart,Timothy M. Heckman,Christopher M. Hirata,Paul Ho,Stephen C. Hope,Larry Hovland,Shu-Fu Hsu, Yen-Shan Hui,Ping-Jie Huang,Marc Jaquet,Yipeng Jing,Jennifer Karr,Masahiko Kimura,Matthew E. King,Eiichiro Komatsu,Vincent Le Brun,Olivier Le Fevre,Arnaud Le Fur,David Le Mignant,Hung-Hsu Ling,Craig P. Loomis,Robert H. Lupton,Fabrice Madec,Peter Mao,Lucas S. Marrara,Claudia Mendes De Oliveira,Yosuke Minowa,Chaz N. Morantz,Hitoshi Murayama,Graham J. Murray,Youichi Ohyama,Joseph Orndorff,Sandrine Pascal, Jefferson M. Pereira,Daniel J. Reiley,Martin Reinecke,Andreas Ritter,Mitsuko Roberts,Mark A. Schwochertd,Michael D. Seiffert,Stephen A. Smee,Laerte Sodre,David N. Spergel, Aaron J. Steinkraus,Michael A. Strauss,Christian Surace,Yasushi Suto,Nao Suzuki,John Swinbank,Philip J. Tait,Masahiro Takada, Tomonori Tamura,Yoko Tanaka,Laurence Tresse,Orlando Verducci,Didier Viberte,Clement Vidale,Shiang-Yu Wang,Chih-Yi Wen,Chi-Hung Yan,Naoki Yasuda
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 20

#Citation: 322

H-Index: 10

G-Index: 17

Sociability: 6

Diversity: 0

Activity: 0

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