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Papers共 7 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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Katherine E Lowe,Elizabeth A Regan,Antonio Anzueto,Erin Austin,John H M Austin,Terri H Beaty,Panayiotis V Benos,Christopher J Benway,Surya P Bhatt,Eugene R Bleecker,Sandeep Bodduluri,Jessica Bon,Aladin M Boriek,Adel Re Boueiz,Russell P Bowler,Matthew Budoff,Richard Casaburi,Peter J Castaldi,Jean-Paul Charbonnier,Michael H Cho,Alejandro Comellas,Douglas Conrad, Corinne Costa Davis,Gerard J Criner,Douglas Curran-Everett,Jeffrey L Curtis,Dawn L DeMeo,Alejandro A Diaz,Mark T Dransfield,Jennifer G Dy,Ashraf Fawzy,Margaret Fleming,Eric L Flenaugh,Marilyn G Foreman,Spyridon Fortis,Hirut Gebrekristos,Sarah Grant,Philippe A Grenier,Tian Gu,Abhya Gupta,MeiLan K Han,Nicola A Hanania,Nadia N Hansel,Lystra P Hayden,Craig P Hersh,Brian D Hobbs,Eric A Hoffman,James C Hogg,John E Hokanson,Karin F Hoth,Albert Hsiao,Stephen Humphries,Kathleen Jacobs,Francine L Jacobson,Ella A Kazerooni,Victor Kim,Woo Jin Kim,Gregory L Kinney,Harald Koegler,Sharon M Lutz,David A Lynch,Neil R MacIntye,Barry J Make,Nathaniel Marchetti,Fernando J Martinez,Diego J Maselli,Anne M Mathews,Meredith C McCormack,Merry-Lynn N McDonald,Charlene E McEvoy,Matthew Moll,Sarah S Molye,Susan Murray,Hrudaya Nath,John D Newell,Mariaelena Occhipinti,Matteo Paoletti,Trisha Parekh,Massimo Pistolesi,Katherine A Pratte,Nirupama Putcha,Margaret Ragland,Joseph M Reinhardt,Stephen I Rennard,Richard A Rosiello,James C Ross,Harry B Rossiter,Ingo Ruczinski,Raul San Jose Estepar,Frank C Sciurba,Jessica C Sieren,Harjinder Singh,Xavier Soler,Robert M Steiner,Matthew J Strand,William W Stringer,Ruth Tal-Singer,Byron Thomashow,Gonzalo Vegas Sánchez-Ferrero,John W Walsh,Emily S Wan,George R Washko,J Michael Wells,Chris H Wendt,Gloria Westney,Ava Wilson,Robert A Wise,Andrew Yen,Kendra Young,Jeong Yun,Edwin K Silverman,James D Crapo
Author Statistics

#Papers: 7

#Citation: 163

H-Index: 4

G-Index: 5

Sociability: 5

Diversity: 2

Activity: 22

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