views: 11
Career Trajectory
Dr. Lee received his B.Eng. in Electrical Engineering with 1st Class Honors at The University of Hong Kong (HKU) in 2009. He then served as an Instructor in a local school for two years. He obtained his Ph.D. in his alma mater with the Best Thesis Award in 2016. Subsequently, he has been awarded a Croucher Fellowship to further his research interests as a Postdoc Fellow at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He has joined Nanyang Technological University as an Assistant Professor in October 2018 and later as a Nanyang Assistant Professor (https://www3.ntu.edu.sg/NAP).
Dr. Lee is an expert in electric motors and drives, renewable energies and electromechanical propulsion systems. In these fields, he has published 1 book, 3 book chapters, 3 patents and over 80 peer-reviewed papers in leading journals and international conferences. He has served as a PI for research grants with amount exceeding SGD 5.8 millions (~USD 4.3 millions).
Dr. Lee is currently a Visiting Assistant Professor at MIT and Honorary Assistant Professor at HKU. He is a IEEE Senior Member, a Chartered Engineer, an Editor of IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, a member of Editorial Board for IEEE Access and IET Renewable Power Generation.
Dr. Lee is an expert in electric motors and drives, renewable energies and electromechanical propulsion systems. In these fields, he has published 1 book, 3 book chapters, 3 patents and over 80 peer-reviewed papers in leading journals and international conferences. He has served as a PI for research grants with amount exceeding SGD 5.8 millions (~USD 4.3 millions).
Dr. Lee is currently a Visiting Assistant Professor at MIT and Honorary Assistant Professor at HKU. He is a IEEE Senior Member, a Chartered Engineer, an Editor of IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, a member of Editorial Board for IEEE Access and IET Renewable Power Generation.
Research Interests
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IEEE Trans Ind Electronno. 1 (2025): 734-744
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 218
#Citation: 1838
H-Index: 25
G-Index: 36
Sociability: 6
Diversity: 2
Activity: 140
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