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Research Interests

Papers共 4 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

By YearBy Citation主题筛选期刊级别筛选合作者筛选合作机构筛选
Lee C. Rogers,Robert G Frykberg,David G. Armstrong,Andrew J.M. Boulton,Michael Edmonds,Georges Ha Van,Agnes Hartemann,Frances Game,William Jeffcoate,Alexandra Jirkovská,Edward B Jude,Stephan Morbach,William B. Morrison,Michael S Pinzur,Dario Pitocco,Lee Sanders,Dane K Wukich,Luigi Uccioli,Stephen F. Albert, Richard N. Hellman, M. Sue Kirkman,Lawrence A. Lavery, Joseph W Lemaster,Joseph R. Mills, Michael Juergen Mueller,Peter Sheehan,Edward Giovannucci,David M. Harlan,Michael C. Archer,Richard M. Bergenstal,Susan M Gapstur,Laurel A. Habel,Michael Pollak,Judith G. Regensteiner,Douglas Yee, David Matthew Nathan,John B. Buse,Mayer B. Davidson, Ele Ferrannini, Rury R. Holman,Robert S. Sherwin, Bernard Zinman,Etie S. Moghissi,Mary T. Korytkowski,Monica M Dinardo,Daniel Einhorn,Richard N. Hellman,Irl B. Hirsch,Silvio E. Inzucchi,Faramarz Ismail-Beigi, Guillermo E Umpierrez,Abbas E. Kitabchi,Guillermo E Umpierrez,John M. Miles,Joseph N. Fisher,Sonia Caprio,William T. Cefalu,Antonio Ceriello,Stefano del Prato, Sue Mclaughlin, Gordon L Phillips Ii, R Paul Robertson,Francesco Rubino,Richard Kahn, M Sue, Kirkman,Rury R. Holman,Bernard Zinman,John D. Brunzell,Michael Davidson,Curt D. Furberg,Ronald B. Goldberg,Barbara V Howard,James H Stein,Joseph L,John L. Kitzmiller,Jennifer M. Block,Florence M Brown,Patrick M. Catalano,Deborah L. Conway,Donald R. Coustan,Erica P Gunderson,William H Herman,Lisa D Hoffman,Maribeth Inturrisi,Lois B Jovanovič,Siri I Kjos,Robert H. Knopp,Martin N. Montoro,Edward S. Ogata,Pathmaja Paramsothy,Diane M Reader,Barak M. Rosenn,Alyce M. Thomas,Stephen R. Daniels,Adam Drewnowski,Francine Ratner Kaufman,Lawrence A. Palinkas,Arlan L. Rosenbloom,Jeffrey B Schwimmer, Jeroen J. Bax,Lawrence H. Young,Robert L. Frye,Robert O. Bonow, Helmut O. Steinberg,Eugene J Barrett
Author Statistics

#Papers: 4

#Citation: 408

H-Index: 2

G-Index: 2

Sociability: 5

Diversity: 1

Activity: 0

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