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Papers共 8 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts

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Trisha Greenhalgh,Stephen Griffin,Deepti Gurdasani,Adam Hamdy,Aris Katzourakis,Martin McKee,Susan Michie,Christina Pagel,Alice Roberts,Kit Yates,Nisreen Alwan,Raymond Agius, Haitham Ahmed,Simon Ashworth, Charlotte Augst,Simon L. Bacon,Emil J. Bergholtz,David Blanchflower,Arnold Bosman,Nissaf Bouafif Ep Ben Alaya,Katherine Brown, Matthew Butler,Molly Byrne,Roberto Cacciola, Danielle J. Cane,Fidelia Cascini,Mohamed Chahed,K. K. Cheng,Anthony Costello,Andrew Conway Morris, Roz Davies,Colin Davis,Brendan Delaney,Denise Dewald,David Drew,Andrew Ewing,John Drury,David Fisman,Sharon Friel,Malgorzata Gasperowicz,David Robert Grimes,Zubaida Haque,William A. Haseltine,Orla Hegarty,Simon Hodes,Eilir Hughes,Zoe Hyde, Lisa Iannattone,Alejandro R. Jadad, Neena Jha,Jose Luis Jimenez,Jose Luis Jimenez, John Johnson,Abraar Karan,Kamlesh Khunti,Najwa Khuri-Bulos,Woo Joo Kim, Matthew J. Knight,Kim L. Lavoie,Tom Lawton,Jeffrey V. Lazarus,Anthony Joseph Leonardi,Eyal Leshem,Liz Lightstone,Peter V. Markov,Jose M. Martin-Moreno,Petra Meier,Jonathan Mesiano-Crookston,Asit Kumar Mishra, Michael Moore,Sterghios A. Moschos,C. David Naylor, Taylor Nichols,David Nicholl,Ole F. Norheim,Matthew Oliver,Christine Peters,Deenan Pillay,Dominic Pimenta,Kashif Pirzada,Catherine Pope,Kimberly A. Prather, Geraint Preest, Zeshan Quereshi,Katrin Rabiei, James Ray,K. Srinath Reddy, Walter Ricciardi,Ken Rice, Eleanor Robertson,Kim Roberts,Tomas Ryan,Helen Salisbury,Gabriel Scally,Robert T. Schooley, Vipul Shah,Joshua Silver, Natalie Silvey,Manoj Sivan,Luis Eugenio Souza,Anthony Staines,David Tomlinson,Collin Tukuitonga, Charles Vincent,Joe Vipond, Robert West, Angela C. Weyand,Hisham Ziauddeen
Author Statistics

#Papers: 8

#Citation: 96

H-Index: 4

G-Index: 6

Sociability: 5

Diversity: 1

Activity: 2

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