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Patrick G. Pilie,Virginia Giuliani,Wei-Lien Wang,Daniel J. McGrail, Christopher A. Bristow,Natalie Y. L. Ngoi,Keith Kyewalabye,Khalida M. Wani,Hung Le,Erick Campbell, Nora S. Sanchez, Dong Yang, Jinesh S. Gheeya, Rohit Vivek Goswamy,Vijaykumar Holla,Kenna Rael Shaw,Funda Meric-Bernstam, Chiu-Yi Liu, Xiaoyan Ma, Ningping Feng, Annette A. Machado, Jennifer P. Bardenhagen, Christopher P. Vellano, Joseph R. Marszalek,Eeson Rajendra, Desiree Piscitello, Timothy I. Johnson, Maria Likhatcheva, Elias Elinati, Jayesh Majithiya, Joana Neves, Vera Grinkevich, Marco Ranzani, Marina Roy Luzarraga, Marie Boursier, Lucy Armstrong, Lerin Geo, Giorgia Lillo, Wai Yiu Tse,Alexander J. Lazar, Scott E. Kopetz, Mary K. Geck Do, Sarah Lively, Michael G. Johnson, Helen M. R. Robinson, Graeme C. M. Smith, Christopher L. Carroll, M. Emilia Di Francesco, Philip Jones,Timothy P. Heffernan,Timothy A. Yap
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Author Statistics

#Papers: 163

#Citation: 15923

H-Index: 33

G-Index: 91

Sociability: 7

Diversity: 3

Activity: 35

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