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Letizia Leonardi was born in Bologna (Italy) the 28th of June 1958 and resides in Bologna. She
received the Laurea degree in Electronic Engineering, from the University of Bologna, in December
1982. In December 1989, she received the Ph.D. in Electronics and Computer Science from
University of Bologna with a thesis titled: "The object paradigm: problems and solutions" (in
italian). She was (from August 1990 until October 1992) a Research Assistant at DEIS (Department
of Electronics, Computer Science and Systems), University of Bologna, with which maintains
contacts. In addition, from November 1992 to October 2001, she was an Associate Professor of the
Engineering Faculty of the University of Modena.
Currently, she is a Full Professor at the Department of Engineering "Enzo Ferrari" (Dipartimento di
Ingegneria "Enzo Ferrari" - DIEF) of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
She teaches basic and advanced computer science courses at the Faculty of Engineering: in
particular, she teaches Operating Systems in the "Corso di Laurea in Ingegneria Informatica" and
Operating System Principles in "Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Informatica". Moreover,
in July 2013 she has been re-elected as "Presidente del Consiglio Interclasse di Ingegneria
Informatica" for the period 2013/2014-2015/2016.
She was the supervisor of six PhD students (that achieved their title in February 2000, in April
2004, in February 2006, in February 2008, in February 2010 and in February 2012).
Her main research activities are in prevalence in the following areas:
• Mobile agents: basic models and coordination protocols.
• Object-oriented models, languages and environments.
• Parallelism and distribution issues, specially applied to object systems.
• Design and implementation of parallel object environments on distributed, massively parallel
and heterogeneous architectures.
Within these areas, she has published (until June 2013) more than 130 papers in national and
international journals (more than 40) and national and international conference proceedings, and
she takes (and has taken) part to several Italian and International projects. In particular, she was the
scientific responsible for the Modena research unit within the MOSAICO MUST-COFIN project
(1998-99) and within the MUSIQUE MUST-COFIN project (2001-02).
Letizia Leonardi makes regularly technical reviews of books and papers for journals and
conferences at both national and international levels: in particular, the International IEEE Computer
Magazine, the IEEE Journal of Parallel and Distributed Technology, IEEE Transactions on
Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A, and Computer Languages, Systems & Structures.
In addition, she has been invited by the Asian Institute of Technology di Bangkok (Thailand) to
make the External Examiner for a PhD thesis (in May 2002) and the referee for the promotion of
the Dr. Batanov as Full Professor (in March 2004).
Finally, she has been a consultant for national and international projects: in particular, in September
2002, she has reviewed a project for the Austrian Science Fund.
Research Interests
Papers共 183 篇Author StatisticsCo-AuthorSimilar Experts
By YearBy Citation主题筛选期刊级别筛选合作者筛选合作机构筛选
IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems (2024): 1-18
IEEE Conference Proceedings (2016): 2032
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Author Statistics
#Papers: 183
#Citation: 4400
H-Index: 29
G-Index: 56
Sociability: 4
Diversity: 3
Activity: 0
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